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rainbows and rodgers
2003-02-28 @ 11:31 a.m.

This week has been good. All week I've noticed that I have been happy. When Simon left for New York for work, we were both in good moods. I got to stay home and catch up on sleep, exercise, schoolwork, and cleaning the house. Also, Wednesday there were rainbows everywhere :) I saw a double rainbow in Phoenix when driving to the Cheesecake Factory to meet Carissa. I also saw one disappear because it started raining; that was very cool and sad at the same time. It's been nice to have all this rain!

I'm sad that Mr. Rodgers died yesterday. He definitely deserved to go peacefully in his sleep. I really liked Mr. Rodgers.

Simon got wasted last night. Good Lord he was drunk. He doesn't remember the ride home. I think if I continually tell myself "he's drunk" nothing he says bothers me. And then he has a great time. I stayed out a bit later than I wanted, but I get to catch a cat nap later while he works. So it all works out alright.

Tonight I want to see a film or go bowling. I want nothing with drinking (so bowling is out). I want to see About Schmit; I think that is still on. I want to see a lot of films that are on at the artsy theatre too.

The last book I read was The Nanny Diaries. Simon read it all in one night in New York. It's so funny in most parts, but the ending is sad. I don't think I've ever hated a family so much in a book. I needed a light read after The Count of Monte Cristo. That book took me months to read. I loved it.

I dreamed that Swamp Thing was in love with me. I had a crush on him, but I still told him that I was in love with Simon. And in my dream I really loved Simon too. What a nice dream to wake up to.

The last film that I really liked was Daredevil. I really liked the whole concept of a blind man being that capable and fearless. I never read the comic book though. I wonder what Chet thought of it. I would like to be able to tell Chet about my dream about Swamp Thing. He'd be one of the only people who would comment on it.

It's going to be a long day. I started out right with a big breakfast. I made Simon bacon. I don't like cooking meat, but his parents left it here, and I don't want to throw it out. It's better that Simon eats it. If I were an animal in someone's fridge, I'd want all of me to be eaten.

I'm starting to enjoy Smallville. I thought it was a stupid show at first, but I'm starting to get into it.

Okay, I should start writing more frequently so I don't write novels as entries.

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