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run away
2000-08-27 @ 02:47:50

I am getting ready to leave. I'm having a friend pick me up, as I've got three threatening phone calls. I just get scared, it's probably just some weirdo who doesn't know me. Maybe I should get a roommate.


Runaway, I run away never to

look back again, left behind

the pages from an ornamental

log. I meet the stream with

both feet pat, in midnight

rendezvou, forgotten already the

station wait before I hitherto

Now I sit and wait, and from

the streamside sip, waiting for

Godot, but rather this than

that. I love the stream

with arms outreached, in

motion lax and slow,

forgotten already my savior--

He just may not ever show.

The wait is ever but return

never, I cannot look back now,

and so I will not, so I do

not even turn my head.

The stream behind me I run

forward, another station

passed, to where I run I

little know, but never

toward the past.

I'm just a little sad right now. From the weird phone calls, people moving, being homesick, and watching that horrible movie, I just am feeling messed up. Why are people so transient. I don't need omnipresent friends, but fuck, it would be nice to live in the same state as a few of them. Suzanne, you never know what is going on with her. Michael and I are estranged, sadly. I don't want him as a relational partner, but his friendship meant the world to me. I am going to have to STOP coming to this page to groan about life. For the most part, I am very happy right now. My mother is doing better and my family are getting along better. See, that's something!

Also, something is definitely wrong with Chet. I hope he's okay. He called really upset, but I could hardly tell what was up. He said something about Andrew and some party last night that made him upset. I would go over there, but I don't want to get in the middle if he's fighting with people. I don't know what to believe about him and his friends anymore. I am not going to worry about it anymore, but that doesn't mean that I don't care. I hate being so fucking gullable.

I saw a really, really scary movie last night. It was more scary-disturbing, and that's all I want to say about that.

On a positive note, Brad took me to feed ducks, and that was very nice. We went to two seperate parks. The first park the ducks couldn't give two shits about the popcorn, and the second park the ducks were REALLY eager to eat 99 cent popcorn.

I am leaving with REM (Sad Professor)...

I started out drunk

Everyone hates a bore

Everybody hates a drunk

Everyone hates a sad professor

I hate where I wound up

I hate where I wound up

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