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poor princess
2000-08-21 @ 18:38:11

PARKING!!!!!! It took me an hour to park today! I almost was late to my first class because of parking! I had to park in the movie theater parking lot. I am going to get structure 3 parking if it kills me. I will sleep outside, I will eat bars, I will pay big bucks.

Well, this is my first day of office hours and already people are showing up. I love my classes already. Teaching rules!

I wore my new suit that I bought yesterday. Discover is going to have me forever in their web of loansharking. arrr

I spend too much money. Yesterday I bought two suits and a few shirts from Mervin's, and I bought 2 shirts from Banana Republic. All of the stuff I bought was green. I'm having a green fetish week. I meant to buy a blue suit and blue clothes, but I didn't see much. Besides, I never know when blue is all I'll start wearing. I know it's going to hit, but I never know when.

I didn't sleep well last night, as I anticipated school too much and have been on an irradic sleeping pattern lately. I didn't drink anything either--and that throws me off! I am going to try to get back to normal.

Chet is driving me nuts. I don't like it when he calls and tells me how much he hates his friends. I know I have bad days, but I wonder what he says behind my back. He called me from Viki's house last night after telling me how much he hated her. arrrrrr Oh well, this is part of Chet's "charm" I guess.

I miss Berna and Jenn terribly. I want to go visit them so much and it's only been a couple of weeks. I miss how we would all laugh (and drink) and hang out. I always had something to do with them around. I like the new people, but it's not the same. I'm going to go visit my family in a few weeks (or sooner). I am homesick and friendsick.

Speaking of friendsick....I saw Michael in the elevator. I totally did not mean to roll my eyes when he was talking, but it just happened. I miss him too, but at the same time I'm pissed at him.

I want to live with you

In the fifth dimention

In a dream I never had....

I am so homesick

I am homesick for the home I never had

(soul assylum)

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