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If you're not keeping up with your goals clap your hands *clap* *clap*
2006-04-10 @ 4:25 a.m.

I see a pattern of bad behavior here!
1. 6 hours late on getting to bed
2. Not drinking enough water
3. Shopping on eBay at night
4. Breaking the Oprah, debt diet (building wealth---hahahahhahahaahhaha)
5. Not exercising for 3 days.

I need to get my work done for Monday and Tuesday for the classes that I'm taking! I'm behind. Finally, I have caught up with my classes that I'm teaching. Things are going well.

Must shower and sleep.

Oh, now I'm going to engage in junk-food eating and pillaging through my cabinets and fridge aimlessly looking for something that will make me feel better.

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