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I always feel like somebody's watching me
2005-05-21 @ 5:30 p.m.

Today was good. I enjoy going to see Carissa and her lovely baby. Yet, I have to deal with Simon and his friend Shashi pacing the house giving me the "let's go eyebrow."
I'm about to go shopping. I've no shorts that fit. I'm going through my clothes and giving them to goodwill; if I had more ambition I'd do something about it on eBay. Why would someone buy 4 tubs of clothes sized 3-8? A chronic dieter I suppose.
My cat is on my lap making me feel loved and wanted. The cat just jumped down. He's clairvoiyant or something spelled like that.
My mother comes this Monday-Thurs. I'm wondering how that will be. I hope she doesn't snoop.
I've got some problems with the lungs, but that's typical. A hospital trip here, a hospital trip there....

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