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loneliness quiz I stole :)
2006-07-04 @ 12:50 a.m.

Loneliness Quotient: 42%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:

Your LQ is below 50, suggesting that there are some issues, but overall your situation is not bad. However there is room for improvement. Let's try to discover your problem areas. You've got some difficulties with having friends that need improvement. This is one area you should work on. Additionally, some family-related issues are partly to blame for your level of loneliness. Solving family issues can often be tricky, but doing so will improve your score. Your romantic life is another source of some dissatisfaction. It is imperative that improvements be made in this area to lower your LQ. Finding a man to share your life with will help. You have a degree of shyness, so you must try to overcome that in order to bring love and friendships into your life. Thankfully you live in an area where there are your type of people around. Finally, a bright spot for you is that you don't suffer any major insecurity issues. This fact helps keep your LQ lower than what it might have been.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions

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