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looks, love, and beauty
2006-04-07 @ 7:35 p.m.

I'm exhausted and a bit scared. Tomorrow I need to look good, as it is my photo shoot. I'm nervous so I didn't sleep much last night. I need to round up clothes, do my hair, make-up, and make it there in the morning tomorrow. Agh. I need to sleep by 10, but I have so much other stuff to do for work and for my future job.

Oh, and I'm procrastinating by watching the Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Huitt (sp). Jesus she is BEAUTIFUL; it looks like she's genuine inside and out. Anyhow, this is my first time watching the show, and it's pretty good actually. She's lost her ghost-seeing powers in this episode.

My heart is broke, but I have some glue.

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