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millions of peaches, peaches for me
2005-05-09 @ 12:12 a.m.

My dad is here; and he's the best man on Earth. He's here for my graduation. I'm worried about his health; his blood pressure is high. I hope that changes! I want him around forever.
Simon has his moments where he says he loves me, and I believe him. I'm still scared of him though. Lots of fears-his drinking and driving, his fantasies, his anger, and his ability to take the happy out of me. On the other hand, he has been kinder and kinder lately. He's happy that I graduated.
The man I love won't love me back.
Our peach tree and apple tree is blooming, but the birds take a bite out of every ripe peach. Bastards.
I'm tired and worn out. Sometimes I still question why I am here. Really, I know that a star exploded to give me iron and the whole Darwin thing, but it's still not a responsibility to live is it? That's what Simon said. His parents had money, and he's always had money; if I had that I'd probably feel better about life.
I should go to sleep.

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