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poor me, everyone sucks, including me
2005-04-09 @ 2:27 p.m.

I'm sitting here on Saturday partially relaxed listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers planning on writing the rest of my thesis.
Lately, I've been so tired and sick that I haven't been able to do much. I haven't told hardly anyone that I am having surgery to check on a "mass" that might be endometrial cancer. I don't have any children, and now that option could be taken away from me?
The man I love is moving further and further away from me. I don't want to hold him back, and I want to do the right thing, but damnit it's sometimes fucking hard to do so. I miss him. He's got a good opportunity, and I'm glad that he took it. He's doing so well. I'll stand here waiting until he gets back. I need to be held. Another sabotaged relationship by Feli. Great.
And that asshole J has not paid me a fucking dime back. He still owes me 3000 dollars (I've paid 300 in interest and 150 in getting it out with checks.) This loan cost me 450 dollars and he doesn't care.
Nobody cares.

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