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paranoid people sometimes have people watching them
2008-12-12 @ 5:45 p.m.

Truth be told....I don't believe Darrel's first name is Darrel, nor do I believe his last name is Sweet.

I love him. I love whoever he is. Is this strange?

I cannot make this journal public again because it's got personal information and possibly delusional thinking.

Gawd, now that I spoke my piece, I want to trust that I am wrong and give him the benefit of the doubt because why would he lie about that?

I could never explain to him that I "feel" that he "has" to lie and I love him for "these antics" anyhow. I feel so weird. I feel like he knows my old neighbor, all my old roommates, a guy that I used to work with that I used to like, my old landlord (Chris's landlord) Rudy, and a few of the old roommates there--including a chic that says she screwed Chris and Frank, the guy I used to date).

I am never going to repeat these things, but I've documented the hell out of it and expressed my fears to some trusted individuals should anything happen to me.

Is this paranoia, or is someone truly messing with me?

I'm embarrassed and yet I feel like they should let me in on their prank. It's more fun to play with others. Of course, I'm a wacked out chick, but I like costumes....

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