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Stalker who reads my journal to try to create more fear within me
2008-11-05 @ 4:50 p.m.

I have a reader who is trying to hurt me by reading, commenting extremely harshly, and trying to get me to lock my journal. He is perhaps going to try to hurt me, but I refuse to let him continue to control me.

Should I lock my journal and take away one of my only outlets. Thank you to my friends, favorites, and buddies who have helped me over the years. I hope that I do not have to stop writing and sharing my life.

Just as Yoko Ono does not mention John Lennon's murderer, I will not mention the reader's name, nor will I read his journal. I have not received any orders of restraint; however, since I've received threats and phone calls from this person I might have to move and/or change my information. I might lock my journal, but I just ask that he stay out, stop reading, stop making threats/comments/phone calls/having others call me from his phone.

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