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Death rides a pale horse?
2006-09-09 @ 12:09 a.m.

I should have come home from work and slept since I worked retarted amounts of hours this week, and I hardly slept last night and worked at 6 a.m. INSTEAD, I went over to my "friend" Dan's house. My "friend" gets too friendly, and I will not be a part of hurting Dan's girlfriend. I don't know if they are back together yet or if they will at all. My gut says that he's cheating on her, and I've unintentionally been a part of it. Now, tonight, I think we got things ironed out where I asked him to tell me the truth. I think he's surprised to hear the truth coming out of someone's mouth. I love having the absolute unfiltered thoughts being able to be said and commented on.

It sucks to find someone fun but unethical at the same time. I care about him, but I don't think he fosters or nurtures a healthy relationship.

I am a wreck when it comes to relationships, but I'm starting to understand myself more watching Dan beat a dead horse (his girlfriend) to death. I wonder if Simon is my dead horse.

Enough talk of dead horses.

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