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As a little girl, this wasn't my dream
2006-09-07 @ 1:36 p.m.

Fuck. Dan stayed over last night. He is so depressed, and I can diagnose him and make excuses for him but I think he is using me and his ex?girlfriend. I'm not sure of their relationship or whatnot. He's a fan of us both. How sweet. AS FOR ME, what is my excuse? Loneliness, stupidity, disrespect?

I mean, if he is over here, he's cheating on his girlfriend IF they are back together. He's kind of tight-lipped when it comes to what he is doing.

Now, I don't think this is how my life should be going? I think that I deserve something more than a pseudo-questionable relationship.

I've been listening to a lot of Weezer.

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