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Stars and crushes
2006-06-27 @ 12:29 p.m.

Found music online that I can download. MP3 Rocket allows me to share files for only $18.something/year. God I love music.

RS countdown: 3 days til I'm in San Diego. I need to grow attractive before Friday. Haha. The chicken pox-look is "in the house"--my house! I am healing, but NOT FAST ENOUGH.

My mail is being stolen. I'm a little upset about it, and I wonder who is stealing my identity. Really, that's not funny so I should check up on my credit and cards and somesuch.

I like liking someone to call, hearing someone's voice that's pleasant. And I HATE the telephone. I'm in crush :)

Stars of Track and Field by Belle & Sebastian is on. LOOOOOOOVE this ability to download lots of music so quickly.

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