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This one goes out to the one I love....
2006-06-26 @ 11:46 a.m.

A simple prop to occupy my time...REM

Actually, I don't think that is RS, although I am certainly looking forward to our visit. I think it would be quite hard to have a "simple prop to occupy my time." I'm a complicated distraction for someone.

"Tell all of my friends, I don't have many....rush to danger wind up with no one....and now my heart is full, now my heart is full. And I just can't complain, so I won't even try to...." I love Morrissey. Love, love, love, love.

I'm making a CD today. So far I've decided I need to borrow a ton of music from friends, as I've not purchased music in a LONG, LONG time. I might buy stuff on the 99 cents online store. I KNOW that people are still able to steal music! I just don't know how to do it :)
I was listening to and stumbled on some new music that I like:
"The Travel Song" by Pilate.

Biking while on the computer is a good idea. I don't even notice an hour I've ridden. Course, I'm pedalling only 11 miles per hour....

The crickets have decided to move elsewhere. Good move on their part. I was starting to believe the book Kinship with All Life was not going to work this time.

My boss is coming in to work, so I should be there on time today....

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