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Lose 20 lbs in 2 days!
2006-05-04 @ 4:44 p.m.

4:44 make a wish....I wish I had not lost 20 pounds! I weigh 96 lbs (as of this morning) and too sick to walk back over to my brother's to be sure that I haven't lost anymore. Not having insurance fucking sucks. You know, I blame George W. Bush for this. I'd like a piece of the war monies to go to the doctor and/or hospital and say "saline and antibiotics please." "Oh, and a shot to calm my stomach would be delightful." But, I have a medical book here (hehe) and have narrowed it down to three of about 15 things:
Food poisoning?

--It's probably not the brain cancer that I thought it was the other day, but I wouldn't know SINCE I CANNOT AFFORD TO FIND OUT. If I die of starvation and/or dehydration, I hope someone thinks about how much that creep in office has spent on the war and not thinking about his own citizens. I don't think his intentions were pure either--it's not just that I'm feeling sorry for myself.

Funny, I wanted to die 3 years ago, and now I am trying so hard just to keep a sip of Gatoraid down now and again.

THANK YOU FOR GATORAID. Go out and buy a bottle.

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