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breakin' the law
2006-04-18 @ 2:32 a.m.

Late again. I was sleepy at 10 p.m.--actually in bed (on my comfy sofa with my cat), but my brother came in to watch TV and chat. Now I'm breaking internet curfew. And I'm breaking eBay curfew. I hope my credit cards can take what is coming.....

I need to gain more control over my life, and that control is stronger when my sleep isn't impeeding on every task in my life.

Overall, I did pretty okay today. I taught a class, managed to study and read 6 chapters for an exam in my psych class, and do well on the exam. I think I did well. We'll see.

My photographer sent me 1 photo of me at our last session. It wasn't too bad. I'm still not used to my new hair and make-up, and the attitude and confidence.

Right now my confidence is not so good as my skin is erupting. Really, I'm not exaggerating. My top part of my back is breaking out, my breast area has a few spots, and my face is scary. I don't know what's causing it. My cell phone might be part of the culpret on the area next to my ears. Maybe it's my new hair products, but why would it be on my back then? I am going to shower right now. All this talk about facial and skin flaws is making me feel icky.

Goals for tomorrow: bed by 10-11,
Drink more water, eat less sugar, exercise, and get proper dinner food in the house.

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