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All we are give peace a chance
2006-03-29 @ 3:15 a.m.

Someone suggested this site for us who would like to do something to help with our own heart, to help others, and to help be a part of something to feel good about.

I went to the site, and there are many different things one can help with--i.e. food, animals, rainforest, literacy, etc. I believe it will be donations, but I'll double check.

Oh, there's a button to click on that shows you to do more
feed the hungry,
aid animals,
and protect the earth.

There are things like 30$ to aid in water for folks who need it; there are stores you can buy stuff in. Kinda cool.

Can anyone else add my last entry into their diary as a call for help of what we can do? I'd like to get a group of us together if possible.

If anyone has some interesting/good ideas please let me know.

I can do better. I know I can. Especially if I start going to bed earlier...

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