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deviance from list of 5 format
2006-03-15 @ 1:35 a.m.

I am falling behind in things I need to speed up with. I am fearful of what to do with my life, and whatever I do I second-guess myself. Life is so short and precious, but on the other hand I hate struggling through it tired and unloved.

A driven need to write has overcome me; I cannot stop writing lately. I journal in more than one place, at home, online, and through my artwork. I want to know, see, and have the insight to share with others.

I know that this sounds corny, but let's do something nice for somebody tomorrow. ANYTHING. The whole "pay it forward" idea. It's hard to think up a huge idea right now, but it might be on the spot or well-thought out.

It's a weird thing to type on the internet because now I'm "talking" or "typing" to people. Journals used to be, generally speaking, for oneself.

Ideas accepted.

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