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you're tagged dear one
2006-01-28 @ 2:45 a.m.

Okay, no retags, I called it after typing girl of 78.....vaw hahahaaaaa Wow everyone is tagging (thanks to girl of 78....arrrrrrrrrrrr) everyone else with this little game, it�s like a virus or the gift that keeps on giving.

A friend just actually asked me to tag him, so here goes.....Oh Mr. Gray, you are tagged.

Oh the rules first:

1. List 5 random/strange/weird things about yourself.
2. Tag 5 other people. (Do I even know that many people?)

I can do random: 1. My favorite food as a child was spinach. Now, I hate it, but not as much as I detest broccoli 2. When I was miniature golfing with my sister, I told her that if she went up to the snackbar and gave them the names of the seven dwarves that she'd "win" a free Coke. She did. They did not give her the Coke, and she still gives me an evil grin that she'll get me back someday...... Strange: 3. I froze my parents fish in the freezer and tried to thaw them out in the microwave. I was devastated. 4. I love Julianne Moore's teeth. I call her the "teeth flasher." Hey, if you have 'em....use 'em Weird: 5. I played "if you show me yours, I'll show you mine" with another girl in my gymnastics class at the age of 5. It was in front of the class and both of our mom's. My mom grabbed me, left, and I never did another cartwheel in that building :*( 1. Mr. Gray 2. Girl of 78, you are re-tagged (is that legal?) 3. T85225 4. apathyascend 5. mechanistic

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