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Suicides and Simon
2005-12-10 @ 5:12 a.m.

Jesus says, "Celebrate my death, not my birth."
Felicia says, "I see a lot of celebration in the form of lights, gifts, and songs on Dec. 25th every year. People disobeying Jesus every year."
God says, "If you commit suicide, you will go to hell."
Felicia wonders, "Why do the highest number of suicides happen on Christ's birthday. And why is this sin worse than celebrating Christ's birth?"
God and Jesus are not Communists--they're consumers. God bless America.

I think I'm just bitter because my ex-fiance of 5 years, Simon, text messaged me that he loved me. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TRYING TO DO? He "accidently sent it?" Whatever. And he told people I was the one fucked up.

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