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maybe I should have gone into oceanography
2005-11-11 @ 12:09 a.m.

I write a fucking poem, have some insight into my life, and then my computer froze. Fuck you Toshiba. Fuck you Windows XP.

Picture me
in the first row
with the geodes
wish I could say hello
what I didn't know
held so close
inside of me
melded into memory
had to say goodbye
years I lived a lie
so selfish was I
now I know
scream it from Slater Hill
now know sorrow
you won't know
how unsure I am
how hurt I've been
kneeling down below
the bruises took a while to show
know you had to go
took another class
everlasting one
looks like you won
I'm still in the sun
looking for the one
interested in
with me

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