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spare blankets
2005-11-08 @ 4:39 p.m.

It's nearly time to go to my group meeting. I did get a lot of what I wanted out of the way (except for taking the cars in) (I can drop them off tonight still). I collected ten blankets from the neighbors. I went to 5 houses and everyone gave except for a lady who said that hated Mexican people and "Pollyannas" like me. Whatever that means. Also she yelled at me for soliciting for money; that stupiddumbcunt didn't listen and/or see that I was carrying blankets AND ONLY ASKED IF SHE HAD A BLANKET SHE WASN'T USING!

I am tired and would love a nap, but I need to go to group and return make-up and a jacket. And then tonight, an all new SVU and Commander and Chief. Yeah.

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