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2005-10-23 @ 9:06:p.m.

Yesterday was rough. I was bad, others were bad, others got what they didn't deserve.

I'm sorta "winded."

My painting was emotional, and I got a lot out of my system. I need to get some stuff straight in my mind. My physical location and surroundings seem both safe and imprisoning. Things are not always supposed to be comfortable; I need to put the right strokes into my life as well.

My life needs to be put into rehab for a couple of weeks. Things are mostly going well, but financially I have to start gaining strength. It is holding me back. I do not want money hold me back from being a better person. Strange thinking here.....but I could do more, feel secure, thus do more, help more, etc. I want to give more.

I need to believe more in life and myself. I do not know how to feel good in a world like this one. People killing other people in the name of peace. Peace and oil are almost interchangeable. And what about the women in the Congo?? And people who are homeless? What about a murderous president? Who will hold him responsible and how will he ever get the justice that he deserves. It's impossible. Okay, the state of the world always can become a long, long, long journal. And then I forget about good things.

Okay. I need to quit now.

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