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I'm dark but hopeful
2005-10-03 @ 6:30 a.m.

Oak trees grow stronger
Though rivers grow wider everyday
but old people
they just grow lonesome
waiting for someone to say
hello in there
say hello
(Bragg and Stipe)

Okay, here it is.....I'm a grumpy monster b/c I am dorking around rather than doing my work, and now I want to call in sick, but I can't afford to miss $24/hour. Agh. $150. yikes.

I'm starting to fuck up. I drank until I threw up and blacked out. Now I can't take my pills, which I can already tell I'm growing moody. Fuck. Goddamnit Felicia WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUDOING? "Um, well, I'm fucking up again." "Maybe I should go to Mexico and buy 164 Xanax and give it a go again." Fuck. I do not want these feelings. I feel ill. I'm not right. Oh, I have a spot on my chin that looks like someone hit me with a meat clever.

I'm being a big baby again. I know that sleep will remedy this, but I'm not going to be able to sleep until 8-9 p.m. today. Worse things happen to other people everyday.

I am going to volunteer in Mexico with Julie, my student, who told a story that broke a piece of my heart. A high percentage of children dry every year due to freezing to death. This makes me sad. Everyone has a spare blanket to give.

Whatever I did to offend god, I hope to do it again today. Fuck off. Bastard.

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