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awake pancake mistake instate Ashley and Mary Kate
2005-08-31 @ 4:09 a.m.

I'm STILL awake. I've watched the same CJ (celebrity Justice) 3 or 4 times.

I STILL need to finish up my grading.
Now, I'm so tired, everyone gets an A!!!

I love my friends. I really, really do. I believe in them. I know they aren't going to harm me, steal/borrow large amounts of money (SUCKA), and they give as much as they take. I'm needier I think. I'm happy when I think about us sad group of people coming together pretending to be okay, happy, or not having suicide thoughts. I think I sometimes buy our own story. A glimmer of hope and love for them. Trust. Trust. Trust. Love.
They are my family.

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