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I wonder if she hates the Jews too?
2005-08-15 @ 3:31 a.m.

3:31 a.m.
yes, I am no longer sleeping normal 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.; I think it's going to be the other way around today. I hope there is nothing that I needed to do tomorrow.
I think I am staying up to be too tired to go to art class because of Cynthia's comments. How can she POSSIBLY love W. Bush because he opposed 3 term abortions? BUT SHE DOESN'T GET IT. He's aborting people. Lots of them. The world will tell this story sometime, and maybe we'll find out which "team" won and which one was "wrong". To say, "We should have just blew their country up," made me so fucking mad. I wanted to shout at her. I wanted to walk up to her and tell her my friends who live in Iraq--friends that I don't know if they are alive or dead--and punch that Catholic hypocrit square in the face. HOWEVER, AS A NON-BELIEVER IN HER GOD, I think things should be non-violent. Ghandi should be our example--not the crusaders. My bile went straight to my throat, and my stomach hurts. Why she can be so heartless and bossy and too open is beyond me.
OH, and she is not getting me to do a religious figure painting. Her religion almost makes me sick now. I don't know that I can look at her again. SHE'S RACIST AND ANTI-MUSLIM. How can we as students respect her? I am not sure I want to go back to class, which is sad because it used to be the only thing in my life that made me happy (or far less depressed).

I need to let it go. Let my bile get some lime-digested juices onto it so my stomach can be free.

Learning about Kharma and Buddha.

I will be less agree.

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