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feel it on my fingertips, and it won't go away
2005-01-11 @ 12:58 a.m.

I hope that the superglue that will not come off of my fingers (even though I've tried fingernail polish remover and turpentine) actually comes off soon. Maybe I'll start a countdown.
I watched Fight Club again tonight. It makes me feel like I am a consuming piece of shit with nothing going on in my life that counts. I wish Tyler Durden would punch me square in the face.
There are too many songs and movies being redone. Are we at a standstill in creativity? Is anything actually new?
I'm sabotaging my relationship. I'm so stupid, and I'm fucking poor.
I wish I could ask my dad for some help, but he already helps my brother and sister and built two new garages on his house. He should be able to retire, but it is tempting to get a little help here and there. I just don't ask.

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