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nothing of consequence
2002-12-05 @ 4:15 p.m.

I'm at work trying to drudge through the day. I'm feeling anxious about buying Christmas presents, travelling, cleaning the house and working, and getting my thesis done. I know what butter being thinly scraped acrossed a piece of toast feels like. I feel so thinly stretched, and I have been getting things done rushed and half-assed, and I do not like to do things that way. I'm forgetting to do things or pushing them off which causes me feelings of anxiety.

Really, I don't know how anyone has anytime for anything of substance after work. My workday starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 7 p.m. I am exhausted by 10 p.m., and even that is a bit late for me. Simon and I are not on equal footing. He doesn't do enough around the house, and I cannot keep up at this pace for long. It doesn't allow me any time to do my thesis, and it doesn't allow me anytime to do anything that I love--like reading or painting.

I'm going to start DOING something about all these problems. I must ask myself, "What am I going to do about that?" I need to ACT on getting my thesis done. I can do it during my lunch break if there is time. I could do this and save a bit of cash during lunch.

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