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Thursdays rule!
2000-10-13 @ 04:06:13

Brad made me a tape (and I'm listening to it right now), which was sweet :) I didn't mean to say something that made him think I was hinting at it. I meant that I took some things for granted while I was with Michael, and I don't want to do that to anyone anymore (friends or more-than-friends). Oooooh, a Cure song. Yummy.

I just finished prepping for tomorrow's class. I wish my lecture was more focused, but I don't know what the hell they've read. This is bad to admit that I'VE NOT READ WHAT THEY'VE BEEN ASSIGNED TO READ! Gosh, I should keep up. I've been busy reading other stuff. I graded today too. The students would be so pleased...

I'm starting to read Utopia by Thomas More. I've wanted to read it ever since I've seen Ever After. I've yet to start it, but I will.

I did some work on my thesis today :) I hope that Corey and Altheide likes what I've done. Who knows?

Tomorrow is a basketball game from 2-4 between grad students. I may go. I'm not sure. I'm lazy and out of shape.

e.r. was good tonight. Man I've missed my shows. I also watched Will and Grace and Friends. Thursdays rock.

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