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I'm tired
2000-09-18 @ 16:53:46

Damned, it's one of those days where all I can do is fanticize about sleeping. I woke up and the first thought was when I could sleep next. I'll be grading tonight and tomorrow, so not a whole lot will be going on in the next few days.

I can hardly wait to visit my family and friends back in Indiana. When something/someone is gone you miss them that much more.

My mom needs a suit. I think I might surprise her by buying her one, but I don't know what size she wears. I could guess, but I would hate to spend a bunch of money for a suit that doesn't fit her right! It would be cool to surprise her though :)

I saw Nurse Betty and, again, saw Coyote Ugly. Yummy.

Berna gave me her diary address at diaryland. I remember how we got in a huge fight over my diary this summer. I am reluctant to put my diary up for others to see now. I don't want to cause problems for or with anyone.

Again, I am really, really, really tired. Joel was funny in class today. He makes me chuckle. He said, "I brought a copy of the test for the overhead." and we all had a good laugh. Oh! I saw Tom before class today. That was nice. I like Tom; he is good people. I will make it my mission to see that he gets some hot chic.

I need to get ready for class. Today is the first day of performances.

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