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2000-06-29 @ 06:59:48

The people who I want to be around aren't, and the people who I couldn't give 2 shits for stick to me like glue (Chet, Berna, and Jenn being exceptions!). Okay, Suzanne isn't so bad, but the others have got to go (but she's as shy as I am!). I like her. She has a way of lighting up a room. Dave from the comic shop needs to keep bugging me--Jenn told me to tell him to go look in the mirror and notice the big "L" on the top of his forehead. I, being kindhearted, did not tell him this.

Why hasn't Seth called? Damnit, I make lasagna and drink heavily, what guy isn't turned on by that? Seth, if you're out there, call me.

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